Advancing Proofs

How to identify and write lemmas to advance on your proofs

Prerequisites: Before proceeding with this section, it is recommended that you have already gone through the Kontrol Example and have a basic understanding of the K framework and KEVM. For more information, refer to Resources page.

Manual Intervention

During the verification process using Kontrol, there are situations where manual intervention is necessary to help the tool reason correctly and advance the symbolic execution. Two common situations involve stuck nodes and invalid execution paths.

  • stuck nodes: These nodes have not reached the end of execution, have not been subsumed into the target node, and Kontrol does not see any further execution steps.

  • Invalid execution paths: It is not always easy for Kontrol to deduce that a particular execution path is infeasible. If an invalid execution path is traversed, it means that Kontrol failed to identify a contradiction from the path condition.

When these situations arise, the way to progress past them is to identify the missing reasoning links and make them available to Kontrol as Lemmas.

Intro to Lemmas

Lemmas can be seen as one-step reasoning processes that you want Kontrol to consider during symbolic execution of your properties.

Similar to rewrite rules, lemmas have a left-hand side (LHS) and a right-hand side (RHS). When Kontrol identifies a symbolic match for the LHS in the K configuration of a proof, it applies the rule and rewrites the LHS to the RHS.

Structure of a Lemma

The general structure of a lemma is as follows:

rule [name-of-lemma]: <k> LHS(X, Y) => RHS(X, Y) </k>
  requires condition1(X)
  andBool condition2(Y)

In short, lemmas are simplification rules, specifically, K rewrite rules with the simplification attribute. You can include other attributes in addition to simplification. Below is a list of commonly used attributes when defining lemmas:

  • smt-lemma: passes the simplification rule down to the SMT-solver. To use this predicate, the functions in the lemma must be defined with the smt-lib attribute.

  • concrete(VAR): applies the rule only when VAR can be matched to a concrete value

  • symbolic(VAR): applies the rule only when VAR can be matched to a symbolic value

Multiple attributes can be separated by commas, for example: [simplification, concrete(X), symbolic(Y)]. Additionally, instead of the andBool connective, orBool can also be used.

Lemmas and Your Verification Project

To add lemmas to your project, create a file called: myproject-lemmas.k. This file is usually located in the kontrol/ directory and should have the following structure:

requires ""

    imports BOOL
    imports FOUNDRY
    imports INFINITE-GAS
    imports INT-SYMBOLIC

// Your lemmas go here


After creating this file, you need to inform Kontrol about the lemmas in the file so that it can reason with them. This can be done during the build phase of your project. To include test/myproject-lemmas.k in the reasoning capabilities of Kontrol, the following flags should be included:

  • --require test/myproject-lemmas.k : specifies from which file the module MYPROJECT-LEMMAS is imported.

  • --module-import MyProjectTests:MYPROJECT-LEMMAS: specifies the module to import. The module name is preceded by the string MyProjectTests: , which represents the contract name for the tests being symbolically executed.

  • --rekompile (optional): rebuild the project. It is necessary to include the --rekompile flag when adding new lemmas, otherwise Kontrol won't be aware of them.

To build with the flags above, run the following command:

kontrol build --require kontrol/myproject-lemmas.k --module-import MyProjectTests:MYPROJECT-LEMMAS

Finding Lemmas

In the next section, we will explore how to find KEVM lemmas, which are used to address reasoning gaps at the EVM semantic level. The following sections, Simplifications Guide and Rule Application, cover the process of writing and using lemmas in more detail.

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