KaaS CLI Installation

Follow these step-by-step instructions to set up KaaS components, which include the web interface and command-line interface (CLI) tool.

System Requirements

Your system will need the following: python >= 3.10, pip >= 20.0.2, poetry >= 1.3.2

Dependency Requirements:

To run your tests you will need:

  • Kontrol must be installed locally. See Kontrol documentation for installation instructions. OR

  • Docker must be installed locally. See Docker documentation for installation instructions. OR

  • For remote runs you must have a valid internet connection and license with the KaaS online platform at more info on the website.

  • You must have a minimum a foundry.toml file at the root of you TEST directory.

  • A kontrol.toml file is optional, but if present, it will be used to run the tests using specific configuraiton options passed to kontrol.

    • kontrol.toml is a kontrol specific configuration file that can be used to specify additional options for the proof run, and manage what kontrol does or does not do.

Installation - CLI Tool

To install the CLI tool run:

pip install --user kaas-cli


sudo pip install kaas-cli

Test installation

To make sure everything is installed run

kaas-cli hello

If the installation is successful, you should see the message Hello stranger!

Additional Information

Use kaas-cli --help to list all commands. For live feedback when using the web interface, use the Feedback button located on the right side of the screen. Contact us via our official Telegram or Discord channels for support or inquiries.

Install Latest Version

Uninstall the current version of the CLI tool:

pip uninstall kaas-cli

To install the latest version of the CLI tool run:

pip install --user kaas-cli

Last updated